In day two of PILPG’s Online International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Summer School program, Dr. Greg Noone and Kate Gibson provided an overview of the concepts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, followed by a lecture on the crime of aggression from Dr. Marieke de Hoon, and a review of genocide by Professor Gregory Townsend. Click the video below to access a recording of this training, you can also click on the buttons below to find the slides used to guide the conversation.
Click the image above to watch a recording of Day 2 of PILPG’s International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law Summer School
War crimes and Crimes against humanity
(by Dr. Gregory Noone & Kate Gibson)
Crime of aggression (by Dr. Marieke de Hoon)
(by Professor Gregory Townsend)
Dr. Gregory P. Noone is the Executive Director of the Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG). Dr. Noone currently leads the Yemen track two diplomacy team and served as the Senior Legal Advisor for the Human Rights Documentation Solutions project. Dr. Noone has conducted PILPG justice system assessments in Uganda and Côte d’Ivoire as well as provided transitional justice assistance in post-Gaddafi Libya and to the Syrian opposition. Dr. Noone was also part of the international effort investigating the Myanmar government’s atrocities committed against their Rohingya population. He worked as an investigator in the refugee camps in Bangladesh and as one of the legal experts on the report’s findings. Previously, Dr. Noone worked as a Senior Program Officer for the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), served as a Captain in the United States Navy, as the Commanding Officer of the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) reserve unit, and as the Commanding Officer of the Navy JAG International and Operational Law reserve unit as well as the Director of the Department of Defense’s Periodic Review Secretariat (PRS).
Dr. Greg Noone
Kate Gibson is Senior Legal Advisor at the Public International Law & Policy Group and currently the co-counsel of Mr. Bosco Ntaganda before the International Criminal Court. She was the Co-Counsel of the former President of the Republika Srpska, Radovan Karadzic, before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and the Co-Counsel of Liberian President Charles Taylor before the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Kate was the youngest person to be appointed as Lead Counsel in a genocide case before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. She spent 10 years representing the former Vice President of the Congo, Jean-Pierre Bemba, before the International Criminal Court, and also represented victims in the first case before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. She currently is part of the legal team of former Kosovan President Hashim Thaci before the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague.
Kate Gibson
Dr. Marieke de Hoon
Dr. Marieke de Hoon is a PILPG Senior Peace Fellow and Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam. Marieke is an experienced academic researcher, assistant professor and senior legal counsel in international law, politics, conflict and human rights, and her PhD is on the Law and Politics of the Crime of Aggression. She specializes in analyzing complex conflict situations, researching legal, political and societal contexts, and communicating to various audiences through media and public events.
Professor Gregory Townsend
Dr Gregory Townsend is a renowned international lawyer-practitioner, scientist and lecturer with 20 years of experience in the field of international criminal law. He was previously serving as Chief of the Court Support Section and Senior Legal Officer for the UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) and UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). He also served as Senior Legal Officer for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, and Special Court for Sierra Leone, and was a Trial Attorney for the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and for the UN Interim Administration in Kosovo.