In day four of PILPG’s Online International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Summer School program, Dr. Marieke de Hoon provided an overview of the investigations of atrocity crimes committed in Ukraine and Kate Gibson provided insight into the different judicial mechanisms to prosecute international crimes. Click the video below to access a recording of this training, you can also click on the buttons below to find related-resources.
Click the image above to watch a recording of Day Four of PILPG’s International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law Summer School
Investigations on International Crimes in Ukraine: Opportunities and Challenges
by Dr. Marieke de Hoon
Domestic courts; ad hoc tribunals; hybrid tribunals; ICC; universal jurisdiction
by Kate Gibson
Marieke de Hoon is a PILPG Senior Peace Fellow and Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam. Marieke is an experienced academic researcher, assistant professor and senior legal counsel in international law, politics, conflict and human rights, and her PhD is on the Law and Politics of the Crime of Aggression. She specializes in analyzing complex conflict situations, researching legal, political and societal contexts, and communicating to various audiences through media and public events.
Dr. Marieke de Hoon
Kate Gibson
Kate Gibson is Senior Legal Advisor at the Public International Law & Policy Group and currently the co-counsel of Mr. Bosco Ntaganda before the International Criminal Court. She was the Co-Counsel of the former President of the Republika Srpska, Radovan Karadzic, before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and the Co-Counsel of Liberian President Charles Taylor before the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Kate was the youngest person to be appointed as Lead Counsel in a genocide case before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. She spent 10 years representing the former Vice President of the Congo, Jean-Pierre Bemba, before the International Criminal Court, and also represented victims in the first case before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. She currently is part of the legal team of former Kosovan President Hashim Thaci before the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague.