Peace Process Design and Management

PILPG has engaged in over 30 international peace processes. This page offers resources for international stakeholders and mediators on effectively approaching the design and management of a peace process. Scroll through the page to find: Background Reading, Educational Resources & Interactive Tools.

Background Reading

This section offers background reading on the importance of including civilians in peace processes and offers guidelines on how to do so. Too often, peace negotiations are an exclusive process with access only to political and societal ‘elites’. Ensuring that civilians are engaged in peace processes in a meaningful way increases the chances for the process to produce a durable peace. The following background reading resources are written in the Sudan context, but the arguments and themes are applicable to contexts around the globe.

Educational Materials

This section includes links to mini lessons on topics related to managing a negotiation process. The lessons are available in Arabic, Amharic, English, and Ukrainian.

Interactive Tools and Resources

The following resources include a template negotiations process Rules and Procedures Agreement and two Negotiation Simulations. The negotiation simulations on designing peace processes in Sudan and Ethiopia, offer opportunities to put the knowledge acquired from this page to the test. While the simulations are context specific, conducting such an exercise will help individuals in developing the skills necessary to successfully negotiate topics related to designing a peace process, beyond the context of the simulations.