Negotiating a Ceasefire

In addition to its engagement in past Sudanese peace processes and the current Sudanese context, PILPG has 30 years of experience training civilians, civil society, and other parties on the substance and skills needed to most effectively represent their delegation’s interests in an international peace negotiation. This page offers resources on the key components of negotiating a ceasefire. Click on the words below to jump to the section.

Background Reading
Guidelines and Best Practices
Educational Resources
Expert Insights
Interactive Tools

Background Reading

This section offers background reading on how to include civilians in ceasefire talks, and why it is important to do so, specifically in the context of Sudan. Click on the images to read the analysis.

Guidelines and Best Practices

The following Handbook includes an Introduction to Ceasefires and an Annotated Ceasefire Template. The Introduction to Ceasefires provides information on the core elements of ceasefires, the effects of asymmetry on ceasefire agreements, the role of third parties, and the legality of ceasefire agreements. The Annotated Ceasefire Template describes core provisions and provides sample language for drafters to incorporate into ceasefire agreements. Although each template section offers drafters a guiding framework, it may be necessary to reshape the provisions to address the nuances of each situation. This Handbook’s comparative provisions and sample language are included to provide options from existing ceasefires to assist the drafter. There are three Annexes to the handbook, including a map of geographic ceasefire elements, a sample chart of assembly areas, and a sample timeline of implementation activities.

Educational Material

The following material includes a link to PILPG’s Comprehensive Guide to Negotiating Ceasefires, tailor-made for Sudanese Civilians and available in English and Arabic. Additionally, this section includes short videos and accompanying notes to familiarize civilians with the key concepts relevant to negotiating a ceasefire.

Key Concepts:

Expert Insights

The following materials include written case studies with individuals who participated in negotiating a ceasefire in past Sudan contexts, and a Tea with PILPG podcast episode covering the basics of negotiating a ceasefire using Syria as a case study.

Syria Ceasefire Case Study

Interactive Tools and Resources

The following decision tree is intended guide relevant actors involved in the process of drafting a ceasefire agreement