Peace Negotiation Knowledge-Sharing Sessions for Sudanese Civilians
In Sudan, inspiring civilian-led efforts are underway to pursue peace for the nation. Following the "Civil Front to Stop the War in Sudan" meeting in Addis Ababa, the Sudanese civilian leadership formed a Preparatory Committee to facilitate meaningful dialogues and negotiations.
To ensure a durable peace, it is important for civilians— including women— to be fully informed on the core elements of peace agreements. To facilitate this, PILPG launched two knowledge sharing series covering topics likely to arise at the negotiation table from both generic and gendered perspectives. These Knowledge Sharing recordings are intended to provide capacity building support for Sudanese civilian political representatives, civil society groups, and international partners engaged in efforts to promote Sudanese peace building.
Building Cohesion within a Delegation
The Building & Maintaining Cohesion within a Civilian Delegation Knowledge Sharing session explores how civilian leaders can form an inclusive delegation and the challenges that hinder effective civilian participation in peace negotiations. Dr. Williams discusses practical steps civilians can take to prepare for and engage more effectively in these negotiations, along with strategies for forming a cohesive and functional delegation. It is crucial for civilians to not only understand the substance of the negotiations, but also to equip themselves with the skills required to strategically and effectively represent their interests at the negotiating table.
Security and Military Sector Reform
The Security and Military Reform knowledge sharing session addresses the complexities and strategic considerations involved in reforming security and military sectors as part of peace negotiations. Topics include the challenges of disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR), the intricacies of negotiating security sector reform (SSR), and the importance of establishing a state's monopoly of force in a post-conflict environment. The speakers also discussed how effective security and military reforms are essential for durable peace, drawing upon real-world case studies and experiences from various international conflicts.
Rebuilding Government Institutions
The Rebuilding Institutional Bodies Knowledge Sharing session addresses issues related to how to restructure governmental institutional bodies to ensure their legitimacy and trustworthiness in the eyes of the population. A post-conflict government must have sufficient civic trust in order to effectively implement reforms, foster national reconciliation, and ensure sustainable peace and development. During this conversation, Dr. Williams and Mr. Elnu’man discussed approaching the issues of vetting and dismantling government institutions during peace negotiations.
State and Local Governance Structures
The State and Governance Structures knowledge sharing session delves into the establishment of effective power-sharing arrangements in post-conflict Sudan, emphasizing the balance between horizontal and vertical power sharing tailored to unique political and cultural landscapes. The session explores horizontal power sharing across executive, legislative, and judicial branches to ensure inclusive political participation and representation of diverse constituencies. In addition, it addresses vertical power sharing as a tool for local empowerment, focusing on devolving power to local levels to meet specific community needs in areas such as cultural preservation, education, and resource management. The session also analyzes case studies from various peace negotiations to understand the complexities of designing stable and inclusive governance frameworks.
Negotiating Constitutional Principles
The Negotiating Constitutional Principles Knowledge Sharing session addresses issues related to constitutional principles and processes that arise during peace negotiations. It delves into the complexities and challenges associated with establishing a comprehensive legal framework for governance after a conflict. Dr. Williams and Elnu’man also explore various approaches to constitutional modification, including the decision between drafting a new constitution or amending an existing one, and how these choices impact the sustainability of peace.
Negotiating Natural Resource Management
The Negotiating Natural Resources Knowledge Sharing session explored the intricate dynamics of natural resources within the Sudanese context. From oil and gold to arable land, this session analyzed how these resources are impacting the ongoing conflict and shaping civilian livelihoods. Our goal is to provide valuable insights into the complex relationship between natural resources and peace processes in Sudan, offering potential pathways towards equitable management and conflict resolution.
Accountability for Atrocity Crimes
The Accountability knowledge sharing session addresses how accountability for atrocity crimes can be pursued in peace negotiations and how civilians can best argue for the incorporation of accountability principles and mechanisms into the peace agreement. This knowledge sharing session also addresses the role international accountability mechanisms might play in Sudan, such as the International Criminal Court.
Negotiating Human Rights
This session covered the multifaceted role of human rights in peace processes, offering both theoretical insights and practical examples. It reviews the mechanisms through which human rights are globally recognized and protected, and the current human rights challenges in Sudan, such as arbitrary detention, freedom of expression, and gender-based violence. We explored the existing institutional and legal frameworks that aim to protect these rights amid ongoing instability, highlighting the necessity for continuous recognition and protection of these rights to facilitate effective advocacy and legal recourse.