Peace Negotiation Summer School
Summer School Schedule
Summer School Materials
PILPG Resources
Introduction to Peace Negotiation and Conflict Mediation Concepts
Peace Negotiation Preparation and Skills Materials, see this link.
Negotiating Justice: Peace Processes as Vehicles for Transitional Justice (March 2021)
Paul R. Williams, Lawyering Peace, Cambridge University Press (2021), see this link.
PILPG Expert Roundtable Series on the ICC Prosecutor’s Policy on the Crime of Gender Persecution
ICC Prosecutor’s Policy on the Crime of Gender Persecution - Intent vs Motive Analysis
Comments on the International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor’s Policy Initiative to Advance Accountability for Gender Persecution under the Rome Statute: March 2022 Comments and November 2022 Comments
PILPG Expert Roundtable on Women’s Inclusion in Transitional Justice Processes
Briefing Paper: Security Sector Reform (SSR) and Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR)
Security Sector Reform: Comparative Practice of Transitional States
Sudan’s Natural Resources: Impact on the Conflict & Peace Talks, examining how natural resources in Sudan have contributed to the current conflict: English and Arabic
“Earned Sovereignty: Bridging the Gap Between Sovereignty and Self-Determination”, American University Washington College of Law (2004)
Mini Lessons:
External Resources
The Paradox of Addressing War Crimes During Peace Negotiations
Sudan’s Civil Society Laying the Groundwork for Sustained Peace
Public Participation in peacemaking, featuring Guatemala as a case study (Accord, December 2002)
Case Study Series: Women in Peace and Transition Processes. Guatemala (Inclusive Peace, May 2017)
The Commission for Historical Clarification published in 1999 the Memory of Silence report
For more information on the the kidnapping of Olga de Novella
Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo (Rambouillet Accords)
Historical Background to the Conflict in Kosovo (Steven Woehrel, 1999)
Explainer: Why is Inclusion Vital for Peace? (Conciliation Resources)
Building Trust in Peace Mediation (USIP, March 2023)
Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary-General (25 February 2005)
Darfur Peace Agreements: Challenges and Opportunities (UNAMID - Voices of Darfur, July 2012)
Sudan’s Spreading Conflict (III): The Limits of Darfur’s Peace Process (International Crisis Group, January 2014)
Accord, “Navigating Inclusion in Peace Processes” (Accord 2019)
Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Tracker (Council on Foreign Relations)
The limits of leadership. Elites and societies in the Nagorno Karabakh peace process (Accord, December 2005)
Getting from Ceasefire to Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh (International Crisis Group, November 2020)
How can mediators adapt to the changing realities of conflict and global politics? Accord 30 examined the evolving mediation landscape and explored innovative approaches to engage armed groups, navigate the digital environment, and ensure diverse views are incorporated into peace processes. See “Still Time to Talk” (Accord, February 2024)
Negotiating an End to the War in Ukraine (Inclusive Peace, 2023)
For those interested in the interaction between climate change, conflict and peace - a topic beyond the scope of today’s presentation - we direct you to “A changing climate for peace: navigating conflict in the climate crisis” (Accord, September 2023), see Here and Here
The Liberian Peace Process 1990-1996 (Accord 1996)
“WTO, ITC reflect on five years of Liberia’s WTO membership” (2021)
Accession of Liberia: An Agenda for Transformation (Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Axel Addy, 2017)
Liberia: How Sustainable Is the Recovery? (International Crisis Group, August 2011)
UN Security Council Resolution 1244, establishing the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
The Kosovo Report, The Independent International Commission on Kosovo (2000)
“The Seven Deadly Sins of Mediation” by Brahimi and Ahmed
ICTY and the indictment of President Milosevic and others
“ICTY: The Kosovo Case, 1998-1999.” How the Crimes in Kosovo Were Investigated, Reconstructed and Prosecuted
Standards and Status. How Kosovo Became Independent (Joachim Ruecker 2021)
The Special Court for Sierra Leone closed in 2013. The Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone was established by an agreement between the UN and the Government of Sierra Leone to oversee the continuing legal obligations of the Special Court for Sierra Leone after its closure. These include conducting contempt of court proceedings, witness protection, supervision of prison sentences, and management of the SCSL archives.