Post-Conflict Governance Training: Ukraine

Ukraine has been in a state of armed conflict since 2014 when Russia began its aggression in Eastern Ukraine.  Russia escalated the situation by launching a full-scale invasion in 2022. Even though the Russian invasion is still ongoing, Ukraine must begin developing plans and policies for transitioning from a state of conflict to a state of peace and implement efforts aimed at reintegrating and reconstructing the affected territories and spheres of life currently disrupted by the war.  This process will include addressing Ukraine’s political, security, and social infrastructure, as well as the rule of law, transitional justice, and development.  

The term “post-conflict” refers to the phase that follows a period of conflict or war, but it is not easy to define.  The doctrine suggests that instead of identifying a single event to define the start and end of post-conflict, it is more beneficial to view it as a process.  This process involves achieving various milestones toward peace.  Rather than being confined to being "in conflict" or "at peace," post-conflict countries should be seen along a transition continuum.

This website is structured to guide an individual or a team through the principles and elements of post-conflict governance.  It aims to prepare current and future leaders to address the different processes of post-conflict governance and learn from other contexts where states have gone through conflict and post-conflict rebuilding. PILPG hopes this lecture series aids you in understanding the various processes of post-conflict governance and equips you to better support the Ukrainian efforts in establishing lasting peace in the state.

Click on the images below to access their content.


Key Concepts & Perspectives

Human Rights



Live Session Recordings

Transitional Justice

Transition from
Military to
Civilian Administration

Additional Reading